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Google tutorial

de bugghy

After losing over 6 hours a day explaining newbies what is this and what is that and how to setup a psy, I figured I should just say: . I've lost too many hours explaining and explaining again... So now I'll teach u to find the answers on ur own, I'm just toooooooo tired of explaining or getting mad and saying RTFM + RTFMA + RTFMAaA.

Errm... The solution too all your problems, desires, dreams, nightmares is the one and only:

I use it 20 time a day no j/k.
Why you ask ? Because with it you can find almost anything and by almost I mean there are few things that you can't find. (Like your grandma's nightmare).

©002 Google - Searching 2,469,940,685 web pages

Have you looked at that ? ... :)
Well most of you say I can't find this on google & stuff like that. Now we'll see you are totally wrong. :) Let's get to some basics:

Simple search tips:

- never type only 1 word like "socks" if you're looking for proxys cos' it will get you to
- try "list socks proxys" this will get you to a "list" of "socks" and "proxys" and this is what you want.

- if u wanna know how to set up a psybnc don't type "free psybnc" but "tutorial psybnc"
- if u wanna get a free psybnc and think some1's offering (dream on) search for "free psybnc provider list lists" (can be list or lists)
- never abandon on your first search. If you don't get enough results try searching for less words. Example: "tour wannados" gives 1 results so we try "wannados trip" or better "wannados" because it's not a spread word so we can't expect many results.
- wanna learn how to hack? errm google it "how "to" hack" isn't enough so we try for "tutorial how "to" hack" :) better (this is like because google ignores common used words)
- if we have many results try putting more words in your query.

Advanced search tips:

go to advanced search and let's see what we have: (we'll try to find something about Monica Lewinsky non-sex related)

Find results :
with all of the words : boyfried friend friends Monica Lewinsky
with the exact phrase : scholarship at university
with at least one of the words : graduate college school
without the words : sex book porn xxx lesby
What do we get:

"book" (and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 10 words. <--- errm smart :), it isn't an impediment 10 words query :)

Did you mean:boyfriend friend Monica Lewinsky friends graduate OR college OR school "scholarship at university" -sex -book -porn -xxx -lesby

We've made a mistake so the All Powerfull google tries with the corrected word.

No results! So All Powerfull google wasn't so powerfull as we thought. But we are ...
We cut down some words: school, graduate, boyfried, friend, scholarship and search again. Oh my gOd, there are 9 pages + of results, now we have a choice to make: We search again with more words included or better, we use:
Search within results : friends boyfriend classmate teachers
We have lotsa results. Want some pix ? errm enlarge the search, you should know how. Take a look in the groups option of google and in directory option. I won't explain what they are, search on google.

let's search for something illegal using the simple method:

- " cc carding lists free illegal " => search through results
- " "free porn" -mail -member -membership -credit -card " => errm :p
- " free warez ftp " => ftp because if we use http we get banners&stuff
- " irc best warez trading group "
- " smash.txt "
- " "
- " rk.tgz "
- " amanda.jpg "

Errm guess what... I won't type google. You can try other search
engines and even query google for a list of those.

If you don't understand this text than search your question on google
and don't ask me :p

If you wanna clarify some misunderstandings in the text, add something,
bugs/comments/... mail (this is alpha, remember?)
This file is for [of course] informational purposes only. I
don't take responsibility for anything anyone does after reading this file.

vMatriCS.oRG , anyone that helped me (they know who they are)

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